MiCA’s stablecoin provisions go live, with Circle the first issuer to obtain full approval

On June 30, the European Union’s new rules for stablecoin issuers entered into force, ushering in a new era of regulatory oversight for innovators in the crypto space. 

With the arrival of the long-awaited go-live date for implementation of requirements under the EU’s Markets in Cryptoassets (MiCA) regulation, stablecoin issuers must now obtain approval from relevant member state authorities before offering their tokens within the EU, or when offering stablecoins pegged to the euro or other member state currency. The requirements that stablecoin issuers must address under MiCA include: 

  • ensuring that their token is backed by adequate reserves; 
  • honoring the redemption rights of token holders; 
  • establishing governance arrangements to ensure risk mitigation, business continuity, and to avoid conflicts of interest;
  • Ensuring reserve assets are segregated from the issuers’ own assets and are custodied in a safe and sound manner; 
  • undertaking regular reporting to their relevant national supervisory authority; and
  • issuing a white paper detailing the stablecoin’s arrangements and how it plans to mitigate associated risks. 

Over the past two years since these rules were originally proposed, the crypto industry has generally reacted positively to MiCA’s stablecoin framework, hailing it as an example of robust and comprehensive regulation that offer innovators clarity to innovators about the rules of the road ahead. In general, the industry has seen MiCA as a welcome alternative to the current state of affairs in the United States, where Congress still has yet to make substantial progress on stablecoin legislation. 

In recent weeks, however, as the actual implementation deadline under MiCA has approached, the crypto industry has expressed increasing concern about how member state regulators will interpret the rules in practice – and whether that interpretation might result in certain stablecoins being forbidden in Europe, or whether the practical requirements might prove so onerous as to discourage issuers from seeking licensure. 

But, in what may prove to be a sign of positive things to come, on July 1 the US-based stablecoin issuer Circle announced that it has received a license from the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), France’s primary supervisory agency, to operate as an Electronic Money Institution (EMI). With EMI status, Circle will be permitted to issue its stablecoins USDC and EURC within the EU, subject to the firm’s compliance with MiCA. 

This makes Circle the first fully compliant stablecoin issuer to receive approval in Europe under MiCA, and offers hope to the industry that the EU could prove a hospitable environment for stablecoin issuers. 

To learn more about MiCA, see our previous analysis here. To learn more about Circle’s stablecoin activities, watch our on-demand webinar with Caroline Hill, Circle’s Senior Director of Global Policy and Regulatory Strategy. 

Paxos gets approval for stablecoin issuance in Singapore 

In another positive sign for stablecoin innovation, on July 1, Paxos, the US headquartered issuer of the PAXUSD stablecoin, announced that it has been given the greenlight to offer its stablecoin in Singapore. 

According to a statement issued on its website, Paxos Digital Singapore Pte. Ltd. has received full approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to offer digital tokens as a Major Payments Institution, giving the firm the green light to offer stablecoins within Singapore. According to Paxos’s announcement, DBS Bank will act as the custodian for its reserve assets that will back its USD-pegged stablecoin. 

Paxos had received in-principle approval from MAS in November 2023, but the full approval will now allow it to proceed with its stablecoin issuance locally, which will need to be compliant with MAS’s stablecoin regulatory framework that was announced in August 2023. While the exact implementation date of MAS stablecoin framework has not yet been determined, like MiCA it provides a framework within which stablecoin issuers will be able to bring compliant and regulated tokens to market. 

Danish regulator sets out DeFi considerations for MiCA

Turning attention back to the EU and MiCA . . . Denmark’s financial sector regulator has provided important clarifications about the potential treatment of decentralized finance (DeFi) offerings under MiCA. 

On June 25, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) published guidance related to the assessment of decentralization in cryptoasset markets. Under MiCA, whose provisions for cryptoasset service providers (CASPs) will come into effect from the end of 2024, service providers are exempted from the regulations if the service is offered in a fully decentralized manner. MiCA, however, does not define in detail what it means for a cryptoasset service offering to be “fully decentralized.” Consequently, there is still a general lack of clarity regarding whether or how certain services in the DeFi space could become subject to MiCA. This means that DeFi innovators are at risk of offering services in the EU on the basis that they expect those services would be exempted from MiCA – but could be found later of offering an unlawful service if it is deemed that their service is not deemed “fully decentralized.”

The Danish FSA’s guidance is the first attempt by an EU member state supervisor to clarify how it will interpret whether a service offering is fully decentralized, and, therefore, exempt from MiCA. The guidance makes clear that it is the responsibility of those offering cryptoasset services to determine whether their offering may be exempt from supervision under MiCA prior to offering those services in the Danish market; that is, one cannot simply begin offering services with the claim that their project is “fully decentralized” and assume they will be given the benefit of the doubt. 

The FSA’s guidance also makes clear that using smart contracts does not make a project “fully decentralized” and exempt from regulation by default. For example, if the provider of a service is a legal entity that also supplies users of the service with an interface that enables access to the underlying smart contract-based protocol, then the provision of the services is unlikely to be deemed fully decentralized. The guidance provides a list of other criteria service providers should consider. 

Importantly, the Danish FSA’s guidance only applies to activity that falls within its jurisdiction – that is, services offered to Danish consumers, or services offered from Denmark. However, it sets an important template for how other regulators in the EU may attempt to address issues around DeFi under MiCA. 

European Banking Authority issues Travel Rule guidance

In another bit of news from Europe, the European Banking Authority (EBA) has issued guidance to assist cryptoasset service providers (CASPs) in complying with the ever-challenging Travel Rule. 

On July 4, the EBA issued guidelines on the Travel Rule that will take effect from December 30, when the Travel Rule becomes operational across the EU. The guidelines aim to clarify how CASPs, payment service providers, and others covered by the regulations can practically address the requirements of the Travel Rule to send and receive relevant information about the originators and beneficiaries of cryptoasset transactions. 

In particular, the guidelines offer clarification for how CASPs should address circumstances where there is incomplete or missing information in a payment that is covered by the Travel Rule. This includes descriptions of steps a CASP can take to request additional information about a transaction or relevant originator or beneficiary from their counterparties, as well as the appropriate recordkeeping procedures a CASP should implement in circumstances where they decide to undertake a transfer despite the lack of complete information. 

To learn more, see our on-demand webinar on compliance with the Travel Rule

US crypto industry applauds Supreme Court Chevron decision 

Crypto industry participants in the US have applauded a recent decision by the United States Supreme Court that could counter regulatory efforts to apply rules broadly and aggressively toward the crypto space. 

On June 28, the Supreme Court determined in a 6-3 decision to overturn the so-called “Chevron doctrine” – legal principle that stood for the past 40 years and that has provided federal agencies with wide discretion in interpreting legislation. The term refers to a 1984 court case, Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc, in which the Supreme Court found that federal agencies could issue their own interpretations of law where Congress’s intentions proved ambiguous. 

This principle has driven four decades of frequent rule-making by federal agencies seeking to make sense of federal legislation. Proponents of the Chevron doctrine have argued that regulators require the ability to interpret ambiguities in legislation as they see fit, to ensure that regulation can evolve effectively. However, opponents of the doctrine have long argued that it provides regulatory agencies with more power than Congress ever intended, and threatens to strangle private sector activity. 

In overturning the doctrine on June 28, the Supreme Court made clear that federal agencies will not have the same wide discretion to interpret the law, and that instead federal courts will have authority to determine the proper interpretation of legislation. The decision is one that observers in the crypto industry have applauded in light of attempts by US federal agencies, in particular the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to apply a broad interpretation of long-standing legal authorities to the crypto sector, and with a heavy reliance on enforcement action. 

While the overturning of the Chevron Doctrine will not prevent federal agencies from continuing to engage in rule-making or undertaking enforcement actions targeting crypto firms, it will potentially constrain the ability of regulators to interpret they law as broadly as they have, and could result in further judicial challenges to the ability of federal agencies to undertake enforcement action in areas where Congress has not yet passed specific legislation. 

South Korean exchanges to review tokens under new listing framework

From July 19, crypto exchanges in South Korea will be required to reassess their listing of cryptoassets under new industry self-regulatory standards. 

Later this month, a new industry code of conduct will take effect among South Korea’s 20 licensed cryptoasset exchanges operating under the auspices of the Digital Asset Exchange Association (DAEA), a self-regulator body. Under the new guidelines, whose release on July 19 will coincide with the roll-out of new investor protection regulations around crypto, crypto exchanges will be required to assess any new tokens they list according to a variety of criteria, including whether the issuer of the token is credible, and whether the token issuer adheres to regulatory standards. Exchanges will be given a six-month grace period to review listings of any tokens they already offer for trading. 

The new token assessment standards are part of South Korea’s response to the infamous collapse of the Terra/USD stablecoin in early 2022

Bolivia lifts crypto ban 

The government of Bolivia has decided to lift one of the world’s longest-standing bans on crypto. 

On June 26, the central bank of Bolivia announced that it has revoked a ban on the use of crypto for trading and payments that dates back to 2014, and which was reinforced by a prohibition in 2020 on banks interacting with crypto. Under the new regime, cryptoassets will be permitted for trading and use in payments, but must be undertaken by regulated financial institutions. 

The central bank has indicated the change in policy is intended to promote growth and innovation in Bolivia’s economy, and comes as other countries in Central and South America, such as El Salvador, are increasingly open to cryptoassets.  

Bahamas to require that banks offer access to CBDC

The Central Bank of the Bahamas is planning to roll out regulations that would require domestic banks to offer access to its central bank digital currency (CBDC), known as the Sand Dollar. 

According to reporting from Reuters on July 1, the central bank is keen to spur adoption of the Sand Dollar – the world’s first CBDC, which the Bahamas launched in 2020. Created as part of a plan to encourage digital financial innovation in the Bahamas, the Sand Dollar has seen meagre adoption, accounting for less than 1% of all currency in circulation on the island.  

In an effort to spur adoption of the Sand Dollar, the central bank plans to introduce regulation within the next two years that would require commercial banks to offer access to it. Banks would be required to ensure that they have the proper IT systems in place to provide their customers with Sand Dollar wallets, according to the Reuters report.


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