Ry Levey’s Doc on Rise of Blu-ray Collectibles Starts Its Festival Run

BOUTIQUE Trailer Exclusive: Ry Levey's Doc on Rise of Blu-ray Collectibles Starts Its Festival Run

Ry Levey’s (Out in the Ring) new documentary, Boutique, had its world premiere at Pigeon Shrine Fright Fest in London yesterday. We are pleased to be the first to share with you the official trailer for the film. 


We’ve known for a while that mainstream studios are considering or are already actively phasing out physical media, trying to force you into subscribing to every streaming platform out there in hopes that you catch your favorite films in their loan windows at the same time that the mood hits you right. It’s even harder to find all of the obscure, rare or notorious titles that often tickle the fancies of genre film lovers. 


Fortunately, the rise of boutique Blu-ray restorers and distributors like Severin Films, Vinegar Syndrome and Arrow Films, are virtually saving the day, the day that you want to sit down and watch something weird, wonderful and – let’s face it – unwholesome.


Levey’s documentary profiles the those who are doing the fine work of restoring and distributing rarities, long lost classics, and sought after oddities. They also spoke with filmmakers whose works have been restored, genre authorities and collectors.


A year in the making Levey’s film saw its first public audience yesterday and will go on to play at Sitges next month. Check out the trailer below and keep an eye out for Boutique in the weeks to come. 


Boutique chronicles the recent burgeoning Blu-ray collectible renaissance and the rising number of specialty distribution labels worldwide, creating an increased demand for long-lost cinema obscurities to classic cinematic landmarks. In addition, these companies endeavor to rescue and restore films, bringing back to the forefront underappreciated artists and overlooked and forgotten works to the masses.


Featuring interviews with filmmakers and the stars of the films, alongside the company representatives lovingly rescuing, restoring, and releasing the work, plus those historians who gloriously provide commentary tracks and extras packaged with the releases, as well as fans, collectors, and industry experts. Boutique is a joyous documentary love letter to cinephilia.

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